Claire's Amazeballs SIMPLE Energy Balls Bundle - 6 Packs



Questions and Answers

Subscription Terms & Conditions

For ongoing subscriptions, payment will be charged in advance before the item is shipped. The payment frequency will depend on the subscription type; it can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. For prepaid subscriptions, payment will be charged every 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, based on the subscription plan. Your subscriptions will renew automatically, but you can edit, pause or cancel them anytime by logging in to your account from the website homepage.

Do you offer gift subscriptions?

Yes, absolutely! We suggest using one of our prepaid subscription plans. If you would like to add a gift message, please write it in the 'order notes' section at checkout. Make sure to enter the recipient's details in the delivery section and your own details in the billing section.

What is the shelf life?
  1. - Can be frozen up to 12 months
  2. - Shelf life: Best before 2 months
  3. - We make to order, freshness of blend of flavours is important to us.
  4. - Our product can be stored in a fridge or in ambient temperature.
  5. - We recommend our product is kept in an airtight container.
How do I cancel a subscription?

Simply visit our homepage and log in to your customer account to cancel any ongoing subscriptions.